• Location : CDCI Global, Inc. 25309 Loganshire Terrace, Unit 104 Chantilly, VA 20152
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CDCI Specializes in providing Management consulting and technical assistance services.

Governance and Accountability

CDCI understands the extensiveness of the Governance and Accountability sector as it cuts across both the public and private sectors. Overall, it is the framework of rules, relationships, systems, and processes within and by which authority is exercised and controlled in governments and corporations. Accountability is the mechanisms by which the institutions (governments and corporations) and those in control, are held to account,

CDCI services in this sector included:

  • Public Finance Management (PFM):
    • Budgeting / Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) systems – Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEF) is a tool used for budgeting that links the budgetary process to broad fiscal policy goals beyond the annual budgetary cycle of a country. MTEF allows a country to establish multi-year budget estimates or ceilings, and/or detailed expenditure plans, spanning over three to five years. The framework supports governments in making good macroeconomic projections, setting spending limits -taking into account indebtedness and future income-, and generally, understanding the consequences of fiscal decisions. We at CDCI have developed models which are adaptable to various countries for budgeting using the MTEF tools to arrive at detailed expenditure plans using the best-case scenario of the macroeconomic projection factors of the country’s concern
    • Intergovernmental fiscal transfer services. Well-designed intergovernmental fiscal transfers determine the ability of the subnational governments in their service to the citizens. The fiscal transfers are used to ensure that revenues roughly match the expenditure needs at various levels of subnational governments and that the national, regional, and local objectives, of fairness and equity, in service delivery is efficiently and effectively achieved. We at CDCI assist governments to design intergovernmental fiscal transfers with a strong bearing on the efficiency and equity of public service provision and accountable local governance.
    • Treasury Management in a decentralized system of government. CDCI provides innovative revenue and expenditure management systems to subnational governments including the establishment of single treasury accounts. In addition, we design appropriate strategies for ringfencing intergovernmental transfers.
    • Corporate Debt Management services – CDCI assists corporations to develop and implement appropriate financial and operational restructuring 
  • Financial Management services. The services offered include;
    • Financial and accounting services
    • Receivables and payables maintenance and management services
    • Financial Management Systems Design and implementation services;
    • Standard operating procedures design and implementation services;
    • Financial Performance Management review services
    • Fiduciary agency services
  • Internal audit services – more and more organizations including government agencies are increasing the efficiency and controls of their operating systems leading to more innovative and new technologies, identifying and mitigating emerging risks, developing creative solutions to complex business challenges, and encouraging best practices to enhance business functions. CDCI is a global leader in the provision of innovative Internal Audits. We help develop solutions to complex business challenges, mitigate risks & encourage best practices. We tailor our approach to the needs of the agency.
  • Procurement and Contract Management services
    • Acquisition and assistance services to Federal and State agencies
    • Procurement agency services
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Agriculture and Food Security

Food security worldwide is increasingly causing concern more so in developing countries with the most vulnerable being the smallholder farmers. The main concern, in this case, is insufficient food production caused by supply chain of inputs with most farmers, especially the smallholders not accessing quality inputs, climate change, disasters, conflict, displacement, and a growing global population. The situation has been further aggravated over the last two years by the COVID-19 pandemic which has worsened the world’s food supply chains due to border closures, trade restrictions, and confinement measures that have prevented farmers from accessing markets, and agricultural workers from harvesting crops. 

CDCI is working with various world development agencies including USAID, the World Bank, the African Development Bank (AfDB), and other agencies to provide solutions aimed at mitigating the current and future challenges to agriculture and food security. Our services are focused on:

  • Agriculture policy and analysis – CDCI supports efforts in developing appropriate agriculture policies aimed at raising agricultural productivity; linking farmers to markets; reducing risk and vulnerability; improving nonfarm rural employment; and making agriculture more environmentally sustainable.
  • Agribusiness value chain and market systems – CDCI’s consideration is that the enhancement of agricultural value chains and market systems provides an enabling environment for sustainable food security. Furthermore, inclusive agribusiness development including the private sector is a central factor of inclusive and sustainable agro-processing which provides for innovative market systems for agriculture-based products. CDCI works with agencies and governments to develop innovative and sustainable agribusiness value chains and market systems bringing farmers’ groups and the private sector into the value chain to enhance food security and value to the economic development of the country through industrialization and increased trading.
  • Private Sector Development including public-private partnerships aimed at enhancing smallholder productivity and returns.


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Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH)

Water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are critical to health, survival, and development. Many countries lack adequate and safe water for their growing population. According to UNICEF “2.2 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water; more than half of the global population does not have access to safe sanitation, with almost a billion people practicing open defecation; and over three billion people with no access to handwashing facilities with soap”.  CDCI works with agencies globally to provide solutions to mitigate the WASH challenges faced by communities. Our services include:

  • Development and implementation of community-based WASH management models – this entails feasibility studies and the development of appropriate management models befitting the specific community situations and underlying challenges, complete with appropriate financing and operation models.
  • Development of appropriate WASH investment plans models
  • Billing Management and tariff development
  • Sourcing and implementation of appropriate billing management systems differentiated by community needs
  • Private sector development including public-private partnerships
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Trade and Logistics

The World Trade Organization (WTO) in its 9th Member States Conference held in December 2013 in Bali, Indonesia, concluded negotiations on the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) after 10 years of negotiation. The TFA sets forth approximately 40 measures for expeditiously moving goods across borders inspired by the best practices from around the world. These are the new border-related procedures, processes and other obligations that governments will be required to implement. They require transparency of laws, rules and procedures, fairness in border agency decisions, streamlined clearance procedures, and help reduce administrative constraints on transit. CDCI is providing services worldwide working with various agencies with the aim of assisting governments implement the TFAs and at the same time improve their efficiency in trade facilitation. We provide the following

services in this sector:

  • Feasibility studies focusing on implementation of single window trade facilitation systems
  • Development and analysis of trade policies
  • Trade corridors economic and logistical analysis
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Other Cross Cutting Services

Business and Strategic Planning

Start-ups or ongoing businesses require to develop their business outlook or forecast covering a period of three to five years. CDCI assist new and existing corporation develop their business plans, defining in detail the company’s objectives and how it plans to achieve its goals. We provide the full business plan service laying out a written roadmap for the organization from marketing, financial, and operational standpoints. Our Research and marketing analyst develops the core market data including the marketing strategy; our financial and business analyst develop the operations plans and financing including the financial analysis

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Research and Feasibility Studies

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization. It is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and systems.

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Capacity Building and Institutional Development

CDCI model for organization development is aimed at ensuring that our client’s performance is effective, efficient and is relevant to its owners.

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Information Communication and Technology

Most organizations use ICT not just to manage the flow of communication but as the major driver of critical processes that determine the efficiency of achieving strategic objectives. With the ease of doing business that developments in ICT have brought, challenges abound essentially in the choice of the necessary technology to apply for greater efficiency. We at CDCI have the knowledge and skills to assist our clients in optimizing this new technology.

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