• Location : CDCI Global, Inc. 25309 Loganshire Terrace, Unit 104 Chantilly, VA 20152
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Independent Fiduciary Agency (IFA) services for the Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Project II (KISIP II)

The objective for the Independent Fiduciary Agency (IFA) is to support the 23 counties concerned with the implementation of infrastructure upgrading and socio-economic inclusion planning financed by the World Bank through Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Project (KISIP2). The IFA is to enhance counties level of accountability and governance to safeguard the project funds. The specific role of the IFA is ………


Consultancy Services related to district revenue and expenditure management services for six secondary cities in Rwanda through the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency

The overarching objective of this assignment is to support the six SDCs to establish reliable and sustainable revenue and expenditure management systems. The specific objectives are to: (a) assist in the development and institutionalization of good policies and procedures to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and economy in management of revenues and expenditure by the SCs; (b) assist in identification and building the capacities of the SCs to enhance their performance and management of revenues and expenditure; and (c) assist in the standardization of the revenue and expenditure management systems in all the SCs. The services provided …………

Nairobi, Kenya

Consultancy Service for programme preparation and management to support the Nairobi City County to improve the budgeting technical skills in the planning and transport sectors for efficient and safe transport system

Section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act provides for every county government to prepare a development plan in accordance with Article 220(2) of the Constitution, showing the strategic priorities for the medium term; and a description of how the county government is responding to changes in the financial and economic environment. The programme shall show the strategic priorities to which the programme will contribute; the services or goods to be provided; measurable indicators of performance where feasible; and  the budget allocated to the programme. The plan will also show detailed description of proposals with respect to the development of physical, intellectual, human and other resources of the county, including measurable indicators where those are feasible………….


Technical Assistance for the Informal Settlements Improvement Project in Kenya: Consultancy Services to provide a Central Technical Assistance Team (CTAT) to Support KISIP Implementation

The main objective of the assignment is to provide support to the KISIP Coordinator in managing and coordinating the implementation of KISIP. This will include working closely (almost one-on-one basis) with the KISIP Team heads (components 1, 2, 3, 4 as well as heads of finance, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), procurement, communication, environment and social management). The CTAT will be expected to maintain communication channels with the 15 municipalities where KISIP activities will be implemented. The consultant will also be expected to collaborate with the World Bank financed Kenya Municipal Programme (KMP), Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP) and Water and Sanitation Improvement Project (WaSSIP), where applicable………

Mombasa, Kenya

Consultancy Services for Productivity Improvement Programme (Advocacy Campaign, Organizational Review and Labour Situation Assessment) at the Port of Mombasa, Kenya

The objective of this assignment is to provide awareness campaign, organizational review and labour situation assessment, capacity building and training needs assessment for Mombasa port to improve capacity and productivity in the port sector through the preparation and implementation of a Productivity Improvement Plan (PIP)……..



Establishing a Regulatory Framework for The Agricultural Commodities Market in Liberia under the United States Aid for International Development (USAID)

The objective of the Technical Assistance (TA) is to support the Liberia Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (LACRA) to develop a framework for regulating agricultural commodities trade in Liberia based on best practices. The application of these best practices will take into account the state of the agricultural sector in Liberia and establish goals of efficiency, growth and equity that can be supported in the agricultural commodities market through improved regulations. LACRA is mandated by Liberian law to serve as the regulator of all agricultural trade, particularly those involving cocoa, coffee, and oil palm………..


Consultancy services for the Economic Impact Assessment for Agribusiness Reforms in Ghana. Financed by AGRA

The overall objective of this assignment is to support MOFA through the PPBD by producing economic impact assessments which quantify (to the extent possible) the impact of proposed reform options in the Ghanaian agribusiness sector: from an overall Cost-Benefit perspective, and with respect to key stakeholders (e.g. smallholder farmers, agribusinesses, public finances, public regulatory agencies). This analysis will form part of the evidence base for the Ministry’s consideration of the proposed reform options……..


Consulting services for Establishment of an Agro-processing in Special Economic Zones in Malawi

The purpose of this Consultancy is to support implementation of the NES to increase competitiveness of Malawian diversified agro-processed exports through establishment of an Agro-Processing Special Economic Zones (AP-SEZ). The specific objective of the consultancy is……


Consultancy services to Implement Turnaround Program in Tea Cooperatives in Rwanda

PRICE (Project for Rural Incomes through Exports) is a new project operating under National Agricultural Development Exports Board (NAEB) that has general objective of raising smallholder farmers’ income and financed by IFAD. To achieve this, the project’s development objective is to promote sustainable increased returns to farmers from key export-driven agricultural value chains through increased volumes and quality of production, improved marketing and effective farmer organizations that include a turnaround programme. The overall objective for the Turnaround Programme is to provide management, operational and governance support to the tea cooperatives, to have sustainable profitability and proper management structures…..


Carrying research to determine if there is a business case to establish a national common user facility for Tea Value Addition in Kenya and then develop feasibility study for the establishment of such facility

The study involved review of various tea value addition reports benchmarking studies undertaken by the Tea Board of Kenya and the industry as well as examine successful value addition models across tea producing and importing countries and producers of other commodities. The assignment involved Identifying the factors that have occasioned the low levels of value addition in Kenya; establishing the capacity of existing value addition facilities to determine if there is a business case to establish tea value addition facilities in Kenya; and undertaking feasibility study for a common user value addition facility, its likely location(s), cost benefit, risk and financing options……..


Mombasa, Kenya – Review of the business strategy, development of business plans and Implementation of the Financial Management systems for the six WSPs in coastal region in Kenya.

Review and Implementation of the Financial Management systems including good operational practices for the Coast Water Services Board and its six water Services Provider Financed by the World Bank

The initial objective of this project was to assist the CWSB recover colossal amounts owed to the board by the six water services providers (WSPs) under it. Based on the analysis of the debt situation which required us to review the financial management systems of all the institutions, the causal factor for the high indebtedness was mainly because of the poor financial management systems including poor financial reporting by both the CWSB and its WSPs. This therefore generated the second part of the consultancy whereby we had to undertake training and capacity building of all the financial staff under CWSB including its WSPs through FMS processes and best practices………


Technical and Financial Audit covering all the eight Water Services Boards (WSBs) and four Water Services Providers (WSPs) in each of the Boards financed by the World Bank.

The assignment was to assist Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) enforce its regulatory mandates which include to refine, strengthen and enforce the legal and regulatory frame work governing the provision of water services by WSBs and WSPs; promote the commercial sustainability of WSBs and WSPs; improve the institutional capacity of WASREB to regulate water service provision; facilitate the development of an enabling policy environment for water service provision; facilitate effective information and communication on water services and enhance collaboration between WASREB and other relevant institution…..

Nairobi, Kenya

Consultancy for feasibility study and development of the Nairobi Sanitation Output Based Aid (OBA) Project in 8 low income areas of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company

The objective of the consultancy was to prepare a project on sustainable access to sanitation and water services in selected low-income communities of Nairobi. The project achieved this through applying one-off OBA subsidies in order to make pro-poor sewerage and water connections financially viable. Subsidies of approximate 4.08 Million US$ based on verified outputs were to be offered targeting 16000 connections where access to primary water and sewer trunk lines is available. Selection of intervention districts were to be made in close consultation with the IDA Credit funded WaSSIP project and other on-going infrastructure projects…….


Institutionalization of four Rural Water Schemes and design and Implementation of their organisation structure and Financial Management in Kenya, financed by BTC

Most of the rural communities in Kenya are faced with acute drinking water shortage. The Water Users Associations Support Programme (WUASP), a programme financed by the Belgium Technical Cooperation has been assisting various community based water schemes in three arid and semi-arid districts  with the installation of an improved management system, together with basic rehabilitation to get the water flowing…..


Market Assessment of the Safe Water Market in Kenya

Safe Water Network (SWN) of United States of America in collaboration and with fundi ng support from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is seeking an in-depth Market Assessment of the safe water market in Kenya to establish the role that market-based decentralized solutions (both entrepreneur and community owned) have in the provision of safe water. ………….


Liberia – Establishing a Regulatory Framework for The Agricultural Commodities Market

Establishing a Regulatory Framework for The Agricultural Commodities Market in Liberia under the United States Aid for International Development (USAID)

The objective of the Technical Assistance (TA) is to support the Liberia Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (LACRA) to develop a framework for regulating agricultural commodities trade in Liberia based on best practices. The application of these best practices will take into account the state of the agricultural sector in Liberia and establish goals of efficiency, growth and equity that can be supported in the agricultural commodities market through improved regulations. LACRA is mandated by Liberian law to serve as the regulator of all agricultural trade, particularly those involving cocoa, coffee, and palm oil………..

Kenya – Transaction advisory Services for the privatization of Kenya Ports Authority services

Transaction advisory services for the conversion of berths 11-14 into container terminal through PPP mode of financing; privatization of the stevedoring services and privatization of the Eldoret inland container terminal for Kenya Ports Authority

The assignment was to provide privatisation transaction advisory services to the Privatisation Commission for Kenya Ports Authority on three (3) transactions consisting of Eldoret Inland Container Deport; conversion of Berth Nos. 11 -14 to Container Berths and advising on the appropriate privatisation option; and Stevedoring Services for Break Bulk Dry General Cargo. For each of the three transactions, we are required to perform the following transaction advisory services…..

Kenya – Development of business model and business plan for the operationalization of the Kenya National Single Window system

Consultancy Services for Development of business model for KENTRADE for the operationalization of the Kenya National Single Window System (KNESWS)

The objective of this consultancy is to assist Kenya Trade Network Agency (KENTRADE) develop/design a business model, business plan and business operations manual to enable it run the Kenya National Electronic Single Window System (KNESWS) sustainably. Kentrade was established through Legal Notice No. 6 of 28th January 2011 with the principal objective to establish and manage a National Electronic Single Window System and to facilitate trade. The National Electronic Single Window System is to serve as a single entry point for parties involved in trade and transport to lodge documents electronically, for processing and approval; and make payments electronically for fees, levies, duties and taxes due to the Government on goods imported or exported. The assignment involved the following activitie……

Kenya – A study on the potential of Northern Corridor counties’ laws on transport and movement of cargo along the Northern Corridor

A study on the potential of northern corridor counties’ laws on transport and movement of cargo along the Northern Corridor; and develop an understanding how county policy and planning decisions can affect the region’s economic development particularly freedom of trade, cost of transport, productivity and competitiveness. (Financed by TMEA, 2016)

TMEA intends to develop a policy that will ensure that the cost of doing business is reduced from the current 40% to between 20- 30%. With the operation of the new system of governance in Kenya if the county laws and more especially county finance laws, if left unregulated, have the potential of preventing this goal from being realized. So far, the County laws enacted have introduced levies, charges, licences and penalties whose effect is to increase the cost of doing business. The objective of this consultancy was therefore to review the county laws and finance bills in particular to ensure that County laws allow the raising of revenue without escalating the cost of economic activity but instead promote efficiency…..


Kenya -Situation/gap analysis of the Kenya National Electronic Single Window

Situation/gap analysis of the Kenya National Electronic Single Window; requirements gathering for enhancements of the single window and requirements gathering for implementation of a business intelligence (bi) tool (Sub to a US Company) (2019- 2020)

CDCI team and InfoGain were awarded a contract to undertake a situation/gap analysis of the Kenya National Electronic Single Window; requirements gathering for enhancements of the single window and requirements gathering for implementation of a business intelligence (bi) tool. As part of the mandate, CDCI team was involved in the review of the implementation and operationalization of PGAs processes and procedures on the KNESW and undertook a gap analysis on the readiness of KenTrade and Partner Agencies to implement trade processes and procedures on/through the KNESW. CDCI team was also involved in undertaking of a baseline studies on current state of affairs of the Kenya National Electronic Single Window System for trade processes and procedures related/linked to the KNESWS. Further, CDCI team engaged in the Requirements Gathering and Needs Assessment for the establishment of both a Robust Integration Layer and a robust Business Intelligence ………

Kenya Bus Rapid Transport

Transaction Advisory Technical Assistance to the Federation of the Public Transport Sector on the proposed Concession of the Bus Rapid Transport in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area

The Kenya Government (GOK) is in need to decongest the Nairobi City and in the process resolve the mass public transport which as it is today is a menace. From the available literature the current mass public transport system operated in Nairobi Metropolitan areas is inefficient and has a lot of safety issues which has an overall effect to the productivity and creates negative impacts on environment and the climate…..

Regional Africa – Strategic Planning

Consultancy Services for Development of a Five-Year Strategic Plan for the African Advanced Level Telecommunication Institute (AFRALTI) for the Period 2022-2027

The objective of the assignment is to review the Institute’s current Strategic Plan for the period 2018 to 2022 and assist it in the development of a Five-year Strategic Plan for the next plan period, 2022 to 2027. In undertaking the assignment CDCI Team required to take cognizant of the needs of the Institute which operates in ICT Human Capacity Development Sector. The specific objectives and scope of work included………..