CDCI team and InfoGain were awarded a contract to undertake a situation/gap analysis of the Kenya National Electronic Single Window; requirements gathering for enhancements of the single window and requirements gathering for implementation of a business intelligence (bi) tool. As part of the mandate, CDCI team was involved in the review of the implementation and operationalization of PGAs processes and procedures on the KNESW and undertook a gap analysis on the readiness of KenTrade and Partner Agencies to implement trade processes and procedures on/through the KNESW. CDCI team was also involved in undertaking of a baseline studies on current state of affairs of the Kenya National Electronic Single Window System for trade processes and procedures related/linked to the KNESWS. Further, CDCI team engaged in the Requirements Gathering and Needs Assessment for the establishment of both a Robust Integration Layer and a robust Business Intelligence
Gap Analysis
Baseline Study
Integration Layer
Business Intelligence Tools
Listing and elaborating the pros, cons, associated risks and assumptions of using both Open source and proprietary technologies. List and elaborate some of the existing and the most feasible options in the market for both Open source and proprietary technologies detailing the pros, cons, associated risks and assumptions for the various alternatives provided. At least 4 options (2 Open Source, 2 Proprietary) must be assessed.