• Location : CDCI Global, Inc. 25309 Loganshire Terrace, Unit 104 Chantilly, VA 20152
  • Work with Us

Nairobi, Kenya

The objective of the consultancy was to prepare a project on sustainable access to sanitation and water services in selected low-income communities of Nairobi. The project achieved this through applying one-off OBA subsidies in order to make pro-poor sewerage and water connections financially viable. Subsidies of approximate 4.08 Million US$ based on verified outputs were to be offered targeting 16000 connections where access to primary water and sewer trunk lines is available. Selection of intervention districts were to be made in close consultation with the IDA Credit funded WaSSIP project and other on-going infrastructure projects

The objective of the consultancy was to prepare a project on sustainable access to sanitation and water services in selected low-income communities of Nairobi. The project achieved this through applying one-off OBA subsidies in order to make pro-poor sewerage and water connectionsfinancially viable. Subsidies of approximate 4.08 Million US$ based on verified outputs were to be offered targeting 16000 connections where access to primary water and sewer trunk lines is available. Selection of intervention districts were to be made in close consultation with the IDA Credit funded WaSSIP project and other on-going infrastructure projects.

This project, in line with NCWSC’s recently-approved Social Connections Policy, will use Global Partnership for Output Based Aid (GPOBA) subsidies to bridge the gap between the amount that households are willing and able to pay for water and sewerage connections, and the cost of providing these connections. NCWSC will provide household water and sewerage connections and will access credit from a finance institution (MFI) to pre-finance the capital costs. Once the target households are connected, they will repay NCWSC the unsubsidized component of the connection fee over an estimated period of 5 years through instalments in their water bills.  Upon independent verification of service delivery, GPOBA will disburse its subsidy and directly reduce NCWSC’s debt to the finance institution.

Key activities undertaken in this assignment included:

Post implementation operating plan including details about billing, financial management, technical maintenance, human resource requirements, management contracting and organizational structure